Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning & Services
With 91 Bravo’s mobile service, maintaining diesel particulate filters (DPF) has never been easier! Our diesel mechanics specialize in DPF cleaning and repairs and can drive out to our clients’ location to provide service onsite.
91 Bravo’s DPF specialized mechanics remove DPFs and return them within 24-48 hours to reinstall them, they also install new sensors and reset ECMs to clear the codes.
At the end of this service, a forced REGEN is conducted, and final checks are made to ensure peak performance. This provides our clients with security, by knowing their equipment remains safe and ready to be used.
Our experienced mechanics follow the strict process for DPFs, by transporting them to a state-of-the-art cleaning facility where filters are tested to ensure functionality. If a filter is determined to no longer be functional, our team provides clients with OEM filter options, as per California emission laws.